What Life As a Recluse Has Taught Me

Photo: Remote Lake in Northern Alberta Where I Lived As a Recluse

I went to live in a recluse because my heart could not take any more falsehood, duplicity, hypocrisy, corruption, malice, cruelty, egotism, narcissism, greed, hostility, delinquency and dishonesty. I desired purity, righteousness, compassion, kindness, hospitality, integrity, uprightness and respect. Because I could not find any of the latter without prevalence of the former among humans, I left to live where the latter reigns.

While my escape from consumerism involved long term survival in the wilderness, I did not make it a self-sufficiency challenge. I went because my heart sought an escape from hostility and my soul wanted to reach new heights but could not take flight in an environment polluted with human presence.

Photo: Remote Lake in Northern Alberta Where I Lived As a Recluse
Photo: Remote Lake in Northern Alberta Where I Lived As a Recluse

So one day, without much planning or preparing, without consulting with anyone or seeking permission, I left and stayed gone, unaccounted for to everyone but God. I lived face to face with myself, depriving all living men from a chance to disturb me. I gave and was given, for in a company of Mother Nature, sharing is unconditional.

This extraordinary undertaking has taught me many things. Things about myself, about my soul, about self-reliance, about poverty, about silence, about my back country and about the downsides of living in a non hunter/gatherer society. Let me reflect on my experiences and share some of the knowledge acquired with you. I will explain in a little more detail what life as a recluse has taught me in next several posts. Click on the NEXT button at the top to browse through it.

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