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Steps I have taken to secure myself with early retirement are described as they were seen through my eyes when I was in that phase of my life. It aims to explain how I got to the idea of early retirement and what my thinking was that prompted me to quitting my 9-5 job and embarking on worldwide travel.
TravelingMark.com is a personal blog that describes my personal journey through spiritual development that resulted in seeing things around me in a different light and set me free to quit work and start to travel. All article are published for your entertainment only. I do not guarantee or otherwise promise that you will have similar experiences by following any of the articles published on TravelingMark.com.
This said, it is possible to turn your life around and start doing what you want to do, not what you must do. More and more people are setting themselves free by following the experience shared through posts about my personal journey to early retirement and I hope it will also help you to achieve goals that will make your like enjoyable and abundant.
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Photo by Traveling Mark
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